Monday, March 14, 2011

College & TV Shows

Don't even get me started on college, want to know why so many people fail a class or fail out completely? I've come up with a reason, at least one that makes sense to me.

Your doing great for the entire semester then at the end they cram it all in, assignments due day after day with no time to complete them all and be able to get each done as good as you need to for a great grade. The more you try to do each assignment the more you get stressed and break down. Once you break down you end up not doing them at all. Right? For example this has been my past week and my next three or so weeks to come.

On March 11th I had four things due including a test all due by midnight. Now as of tomorrow I have a test and a paper due and then another test the next week. All this just in one class! I dont understand how they want you to pass because she sure as hell do not give you the time to study so you can pass. Lets move to TV shall we?

Where have all the good TV shows gone, the best thing on tv right now is Vampire Diaries, but lets face it. As good as that show is, and its really good. It will never top the Battlestar Galactica or Stargate Series (not Universe) Face it nothing beats a night of Stargate SG-1 or Atlantis. Except for a night of CUDDLING.

 Well I'm done ranting, see you next time, same channel. same blogspot network/website!


  1. The professors are all in on it together. They
    became teachers so they get summers off then realized oh shit, they gotta work. so they came up with this great scheme.....

    ....fuck students once they've gone just passed the point of no return so they'll flunk, re-take the class and you [the teacher] gets a two-fer. Paid twice for the same class, job stability, perhaps???

    Danilson is gone adn Teal'c is a whore. SG-1 is quickly losing ground...

  2. I haven't been back at college more than two semesters now, and my god I'm already tired of how they treat you and the brain numbing amount of assignments.

  3. Try being at it non-stop since you're 17 and two days fresh from graduating High school. Which, i didnt even catch a break then, summer school since second grade. Only "vacation" i got was when i had my guts ripped out, literally.

    Hmph and Murr.
