Wednesday, March 23, 2011

College Survival

College Survival 101[level of desperation, 5 out of 5]: Drying your last dollar in order to buy a soda:: This is a measure that should only be attempted when no other choice is an option. Drying of a dollar is very dangerous and could result in serious injury to yourself and campus property. If you must do it however follow the following instructions for max safety. Firstly, open the dryer. Second, put dollar into dryer and turn on with only the dollar within. Lastly, most campus dryers have a 60 minute min time limit but you only need maybe two minutes at most. So if you cant unlock the dryer when you start it then don't EVEN attempt this dangerous feat of awesome desperation!

When your thirsty, your thirsty. That's all I can say about it.

PS. I normally rant about something so I figured a change would be nice.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

book again

it seems every time I have an idea for my book I cant find the notebook and or i'm busy doing other things. I had an idea while reading over essays that could be on the test in my history class, and could not find my writing notebook so now its gone. On a bright note, maybe a better idea will come from all of this at some point.

Oh and say the words paranormal group here in the south and the churches go crazy after you. Let me tell you something folks, between the north and south of this great nation, South Carolina is probably on of the most haunted places I know of!

I know its not my normal rant but hey sometimes nice things have to be said, right

Monday, March 14, 2011


Remember back in middle and early in high school when homework used to be simple and easy? God by the time you get to college its 15 pages of this by a certain date or read 200 pages in your book by the test date. Have you ever noticed how the classes you take hardly have anything to do at all with what your trying to make your career or even have anything to do with your course of study at all. Why the hell do I need to know anything about the roman empire or the middle ages to be an network administrator or Securities specialist? Teach me something that I can use in the real world, that applies to my job and maybe I wont be so angry about paying alot of money and getting nothing of value in return.

College & TV Shows

Don't even get me started on college, want to know why so many people fail a class or fail out completely? I've come up with a reason, at least one that makes sense to me.

Your doing great for the entire semester then at the end they cram it all in, assignments due day after day with no time to complete them all and be able to get each done as good as you need to for a great grade. The more you try to do each assignment the more you get stressed and break down. Once you break down you end up not doing them at all. Right? For example this has been my past week and my next three or so weeks to come.

On March 11th I had four things due including a test all due by midnight. Now as of tomorrow I have a test and a paper due and then another test the next week. All this just in one class! I dont understand how they want you to pass because she sure as hell do not give you the time to study so you can pass. Lets move to TV shall we?

Where have all the good TV shows gone, the best thing on tv right now is Vampire Diaries, but lets face it. As good as that show is, and its really good. It will never top the Battlestar Galactica or Stargate Series (not Universe) Face it nothing beats a night of Stargate SG-1 or Atlantis. Except for a night of CUDDLING.

 Well I'm done ranting, see you next time, same channel. same blogspot network/website!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

My book

You know, I've been trying to write a book for god, five years now! You'd figure I'd have it done by now right? Well Wrong! I had one 95% done back when I was about to gradulate high school and what happens? I SPILL coffee on the whole fucking manuscript and completely ruin the entire twenty-three chapters I had already wrote.

Lets fast forward to this year shall we?

I've been trying to write a cool story about vampires, and what have I got done so far? Oh hmm about half of a page, and thats from January until now!

You think I'd actually get a book done in a respectable amount of time... ah well maybe by the end of the year I'll have a chapter done? Hopefully so!